
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Moist & Rich Nut Butter Brownies (or Cookies)

**edited to add: when I first posted this recipe I neglected to include the coconut flour in the ingredients! I've added it now and I hope no one runs off and bakes this recipe without that little bit of coconut flour!**

I interrupt these healthy messages to bring you something decadent. Something moist, rich, and dark. Something that manages to be full of flavor, but not full of refined sugar or grains. And, of course, it's gluten free, dairy free, egg free, grain free, corn free, and soy free.

In fact, what I bring to you today is a recipe that is so versatile it will make cookies OR brownies...your choice! The first time I made this recipe, I used creamy almond butter as my nut butter of choice, and made cookies. The cookies were extremely moist and cake-like, and I thought...hey! These would make great brownies! The second time I made the recipe, I used chunky peanut butter instead. The brownies were still moist, but had a lovely added texture of crunchy peanut bits. This recipe would work just as well with Sunbutter or another nut butter, I'm sure. I found the almond butter was mild enough it took a "back seat" to the flavors of the cocoa, molasses, and banana...but the peanut butter held its own and made it more of a Peanut Butter Brownie.  Also, I made these without chocolate chips, because I didn't have any on hand, and trust me - they were plenty decadent. However, chocolate chips would be a lovely addition that would really put these over the top! This is about the simplest brownie recipe ever. So - experiment - have fun with this - and let me know what you think!

***Disclaimer: Many of you know I have been on a weight loss journey. I went a few months with NO sugar/sweeteners of any kind, before I started to allow myself to have treats in VERY small doses again. I have to be constantly vigilant with myself to not over-do things, because I have a killer sweet tooth. What I am learning is that IN MODERATION, it's okay to have a treat every once in a while. But now that I am more aware of the addictive qualities of sugar and other sweeteners - not to mention the impact on my general health and well-being - I am very intentional about limiting myself. I'm not always perfect at fact, I've had a migraine for a few days now thanks to these brownies, because I do NOT do chocolate well (always seem to conveniently forget that fact, until a migraine reminds me). So, even though these brownies are relatively "healthy" compared to a lot of other options out there, they are still a treat to be enjoyed in moderation if you tolerate chocolate. But if you are on a weight loss journey yourself, it's perhaps best to skip these until you feel you can trust yourself again.***

Nut Butter Brownies
grain-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, corn-free, soy-free

1/2 cup dark cocoa
1/4 cup coconut flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt (omit if you are using peanut butter w/ salt in it)
1 cup almond butter/peanut butter/nut butter of choice
2 small mashed bananas
3 tablespoons blackstrap molasses
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips (optional) (I recommend Enjoy Life brand for allergies)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix dry ingredients in a bowl. Mash bananas and add nut butter and molasses to them...then add wet ingredients to dry and mix well (add chocolate chips if you are using). Batter will be very thick. For cookies, place rounded spoonfuls on a cookie sheet and gently press down with fingertips, then bake for 10-12 minutes. For brownies, spread into a 9"x9" pan and bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

The first time I made these, I used creamy almond butter and made them into moist, delicious cookies. Yum!

Linking up to Allergy Free Wednesdays!


  1. OK, Nick is eager for me to try this brownie! Now, where to find coconut flour...?

    1. I usually buy mine in the bulk section at Bob's Red Mill store. However, I've seen it at Whole Foods, and you might even find it in the health food section at Fred Meyer or New Seasons (probably in the designated "gluten-free" section). Let me know how it goes! :-)

  2. Courtney, These look delicious! I will have to make them. Thanks for sharing the recipe. :)

    1. You'll have to let me know how you like them! Thanks, Shelley! :-)

  3. I found coconut flour at new seasons :)
    Courtney, do you think that they would be just as yummy with a seed butter? Caleb is allergic to all nuts so it would be great to try and make them with something he can have... Otherwise I may just need to make them for our women's retreat next weekend :)
    Thanks for sharing!!!!

    1. I think they would be awesome with seed butter! It's nice and creamy which will make them even more moist and delicious. :-) (The first time I made them I used creamy almond butter and I loved the results... seed butter should be very similar!)

    2. PS thanks for the tip...glad you can find coconut flour at New Seasons too! :-)

  4. Oh wow! I love gooey brownies. Thanks so much for sharing at Allergy-Free Wednesday! I hope you'll come back and share more next week.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Nancy! I will definitely try to be involved with Allergy-Free Wednesday again. :-)

  5. Courtney, can I print this recipe from this page? Would love to make these for my gluten free Mom.


    1. Unfortunately I haven't figured out how to do that yet! You could just copy and paste the text into a Word document for now...I'll be working on a solution for print-friendly docs. Let me know how they turn out! :-)

  6. I am super excited to see this recipe! I have to be extremely careful with sugar as well as gluten and I've been craving a brownie that I could actually eat for months now! I wanna make these babies up this weekend! Thanks for sharing ;)

    1. Gabriela - thanks so much for stopping by!! Please let me know if you make them, and what you think! :-)


Thank you SO much for your comment! Have a fabulous day! :-)